USPACE 悠勢科技股份有限公司
USPACE 提供共享車位的即時媒合服務平台,車位主只要在離開車位時,立起「IoT-智慧地鎖」並選定可共享時段,透過物聯技術,有停車需求之駕駛則可利用手機 App「一鍵媒合」,輕鬆停放,在擁擠的都市中,還可以提前預約車位,不僅創造大樓與車位主收益,更可以解決城市車位不足的問題, IoT 智慧地鎖未來將佈局充電樁車位與自駕車停車系統市場,進而打造智慧城市之交通。
USPACE is a leading parking space sharing platform that solves the lack of parking spaces in urban areas, providing features such as instant matching and pre-booking. USPACE provides owners of idle parking space with a smart device and a customized app, utilizing unused resources to create extra income.
FundPark 總部位於香港,為香港最大的貿易融資平台,致力為中小企業訂製專屬的貿易融資服務,提供可靠優質的資金。突破傳統,將融資數據化,與中小企共建雙贏營商環境。FundPark 的服務透過應用程式介面(API)與不同行業的領先公司,串接內外部數據庫之資料,加上其獨家研發的風險評估演算法,能更全面評估企業信貸,相較於傳統融資機構,大幅縮短了作業時間,及更準確地評估風險,滿足更多中小企業的融資需求。
FundPark is an online trade finance platform for underbanked and unbanked SMEs across Asia, and provides alternative investment risk analysis for institutional and professional investors to fund SMEs trade finances directly. Utilising supply chain technology and channel partnership via APIs, with its in-house credit and risk analysis, FundPark processes credit data and approves transactions efficiently.
Headquartered in Hong Kong, FundPark is also branching out to other countries in Asia, to promote financial inclusion for SMEs in the region.
ShopBack 透過現金回饋模式與跨電商類別平台成為引領亞太區智慧購物浪潮,為用戶提供更聰明的購物決策!
目前已在新加坡、馬來西亞、印尼、菲律賓、泰國、台灣和澳洲成立服務據點,2014 年成立以來與眾多電商合作,消費者只要透過 ShopBack 至合作電商平台上完成交易,就能賺取現金回饋。
ShopBack is leading the wave of smarter shopping in Asia Pacific with a one-stop lifestyle platform that powers smarter purchase decisions.
A premier player with an established presence in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan and Australia, ShopBack has been working with leading e-commerce merchants since 2014, rewarding consumers with cashback whenever they shop via ShopBack.
Our Agriculture 菜蟲農食股份有限公司
菜蟲農食是一個提供餐廳直接向生產者採購蔬菜食材的平台。 基於菜價預測演算法、革新的商業模式、以及餐廳夥伴及生產者網絡,菜蟲農食正在推動現代的農產運銷:一方面確保餐廳夥伴能獲得高品質的食材、服務、以及成本優勢,另一方面以數據及網路技術協助生產夥伴更明確了解市場需求,並更有效的連結至消費市場。
Our Agriculture is a platform for restaurants to purchase vegetables and fruits directly from farmers. Our Agriculture is revolutionizing agricultural supply chain by its price prediction algorithm, novel business model, and partner network of producers and restaurants. On one hand Our Agriculture ensures quality ingredients at the demand side; on the other hand Our Agriculture helps producers better connect with the demands more effectively.
AsiaYo 亞洲遊科技股份有限公司
AsiaYo 是一間以提供亞洲優質旅宿的線上訂房平台,站內超過 6 萬筆房源,地點遍佈亞洲 70 個城市 (台灣、日本、韓國、泰國、新加玻、馬來西亞、香港)。透過多元的客戶服務 (多語言、多管道、快速回復及貼心服務等) 及使用大數據分析訂房偏好,致力提供顧客完善的訂房體驗。
AsiaYo is the best Asia-focus vacation rental platform providing travelers with more than 60,000 distinguishing accommodations among 70 cities within Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong. To create a better user experience, AsiaYo provides user friendly customer services (multilingual, multichannel, quick responses and amiable service) ,and also applies machine learning technologies to offer predictive recommendations to our customers.
Aiello 犀動智能科技股份有限公司
Aiello 專注於自然語言理解 (NLU) 科技,為服務業及餐旅業建立對話 AI SaaS 平台。Aiello 能快速提供客製化的對話機器人並配備產業內領域知識及數位平台。Aiello 的 NLU SaaS 平台支援多語言、多語意理解功能、知識圖譜資料庫 (GDB),提供一個真正機器學習 NLU 的基本架構。
Aiello focuses on natural language understanding (NLU) technology to build a conversational AI SaaS platform for the service and hospitality industry. Aiello aims to enable industry partners by providing a customized conversational bot equipped with industry domain knowledge and a digital platform that can be deployed quickly and with minimum effort.
Aiello’s NLU SaaS platform supports multiple languages, multi-intent understanding and knowledge graph database (GDB), presenting a base framework for true machine learning NLU technology.
GoFreight 是一個 B2B 的 SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) 新創團隊,
GoFreight is a B2B SaaS startup founded in late 2014, providing freight management software to US cross-border freight forwarders and NVOCC with built-in features such as cargo scheduling, workflow management, shipment tracking, e-customs, CRM, accounting, and logistics management. By digitalizing traditional processes, GoFreight drastically improves user productivity and decreases human error. GoFreight aspires to become the software of choice for the global supply chain.
『用數據讓數位行銷更簡單』 這個使命驅使著兩個 LinkedIn 資料科學家在 2018 年的矽谷成立了 Tresl。Tresl 開發的產品 “Segments Analytics” 是一個智能電商數據平台,提供品牌一鍵分眾的服務,讓營銷團隊輕鬆做到精準營銷,提升獲客成效,回購率以及轉換率。 使用 Segments Analytics, 的品牌只需要使用 1% 的成本就能得到一整個數據團隊的算能與分析,在極度競爭的網路商場裡得到必須的數據紅利與變現能力。Tresl 服務的客戶及品牌包括 SodaStream, ILIA Beauty, BJJ Fanatics 等等。
Tresl was founded in Palo Alto, CA in 2018 by two LinkedIn Data Scientists under one mission: to make data-driven marketing easy. To achieve this, we are building Segments Analytics, an ecommerce intelligence platform that gives brands access to the same analytics powers enjoyed by large enterprises, just like having your data team at a fraction of the cost. With proprietary 1-click segmentations, actionable recommendations, and marketing integrations, Tresl provides step-by-step marketing optimizations across complex digital customer journeys to help brands take data-driven steps to monetize their data. Tresl’s customers include SodaStream, ILIA Beauty, BJJ Fanatics, and more.
Moovo 為城市短途通勤提供一個高效率、綠色環保 且可持續的替代方案,以培育民眾騎乘文化並提升城 市便利生活。 Moovo 團隊集結了全球市場營運知識、技術和城市科學的專長,共同規劃出適合現代社 會的全新共享交通方案,更期待能對智慧城市交通服 務的美麗願景做出貢獻。
Moovo is founded on a simple idea to offer a smart, green and sustainable alternative for short distance commute in urban cities. Moovo collaborates closely with local governments, corporations and communities to cultivate bike riding culture and improve urban living. The team is made up of highly experienced and passionate individuals who are dedicated to successfully transform the future of mobility .
Return Helper
Return Helper 提供多數主要電商平台輕鬆串接包括 eBay、Amazon、Walmart、Shopify、、樂天…等。更在多國設有海外倉庫,提供海外當地倉庫退貨代收、即時退貨標籤生成、買家退貨檢查、FBA 退倉、FBA 補貨等一條龍的處理服務。改善跨境賣家對海外退貨即時資訊的掌握及處理的靈活性,降低風險、物流及管理成本,加倍獲利機會。
Founded in 2018, Return Helper is a data-driven return management solution that optimizes return process and the aftermarket activities for online retailers. As an official partner of Amazon, eBay, Shopify, and Onbuy. Return Helper fully integrates with all the major marketplaces and ecommerce platforms, enabling a seamless return experience for both seller and buyer. Return Helper has set up warehouses in more than 10 countries, providing on-stop support services such as buyer returns, return label solutions, return inspection, FBA return, FBA restock, etc.
Instill AI
Instill AI 是由兩位來自倫敦帝國學院和倫敦大學學院,並擁有多年創業經驗的 AI 博士科學家,在 2020 年時於倫敦成立。為實現『全面普及影像人工智慧』,
Instill AI was founded in London, the UK, in 2020 by two co-founders from academia (PhD in Imperial College London and University College London) with many years’ startup experience. The company has a mission to make Vision AI highly accessible to everyone. It approaches the goal by providing no-/low-code solutions to convert unstructured visual data to meaningful structured representations. The users can therefore integrate the solutions into their data stack, start tapping into the wealth of visual data, and benefit from Vision AI in a snap. By streamlining the end-to-end data pipeline, Instill AI can significantly shorten the time-to-market and reduce the cost of onboarding Vision AI for individual developers and enterprise customers.
Haulio 是東南亞最大的集裝箱運輸的數位平台,以物流第一哩的短途接駁運輸 (drayage)市場為目標。托運公司能透過 Haulio 平台管理集裝箱,而貨運公司能透過 Haulio 獲取額外工作,提升物流的整體效率。
Haulio is Southeast Asia’s largest digital platform for container haulage, focusing on the drayage (short-distance transport) portion of first-mile logistics. Through Haulio’s platform, shippers can more accurately track containers while trucking companies can find extra jobs, increasing overall efficiency.
Worca 提供全球人才搜尋服務以及全球 EOR (名義雇主) SaaS 服務。協助客戶搜尋亞洲各地人才,再透過全球 EOR SaaS 服務合規聘僱遠端員工並清楚了解各地的薪資及法規。
Worca is defining the future of work. Worca currently offers two products: Global EOR SaaS and Global Talent Intelligence SaaS. Our Global EOR SaaS makes it effortless to run Payroll, Benefits, HR/Legal in every country or legislation. Our Global Talent Intelligence SaaS enables companies to recruit talent 10x faster anywhere in the world.
Omnichat 是一個全通路的對話式商務平台,適用於電子商務、零售和其他垂直行業,旨在提高客服效率、推動客戶轉換、並增加銷售收入。 Omnichat 的業務現在遍及香港、台灣、新加坡、馬來西亞、印尼和泰國。
Omnichat is an omnichannel chat commerce platform for e-commerce, retail, and other verticals to enhance customer service efficiency, increase sales revenue, and drive conversion. Headquartered in Hong Kong, with coverage in Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, and other SEA countries, Omnichat’s vision is to convert all visitors to customers through chat. The company has built a solid reputation in serving local and international customers.
AlleyPin 創立於 2017 年,是專注在醫療數位轉型領域的 MedTech 公司,客戶遍及中、西、牙醫及醫美等全科別,服務超過 1,200家診所。AlleyPin 以賦能醫療院所「數位競爭力」為使命,提供從行銷獲客到營運優化一次到位的產品服務,致力透過行銷科技來推動診所實踐數位轉型、改善營運效率、拉近醫病距離。
AlleyPin, founded in 2017, is a MedTech company specializing in digital transformation for healthcare. Serving over 1,200 clinics across general medicine, dentistry, and aesthetic medicine, AlleyPin empowers clinics with “digital competitiveness.” By offering end-to-end solutions from marketing and customer acquisition to operational optimization, the company leverages marketing technology to drive digital transformation and enhance operational efficiency.