Weekly News (2020.7.22 ~ 2020.7.29)

7 min read

我是 Jonathan,在美國 University of Rochester 取得光學工程與金融經濟雙學位後,就職於日本三大投資銀行之一的 SMBC Nikko。之後在創投 SBI 負責海外投資,主要專注於區塊鏈,金融科技,人工智能等領域的成長期新創。2020 年加入基石創投。

English version (下方有中文版):

  • Security-token platform tZero announced to support trading of ASPEN, a token issued by real estate firm Elevated Returns. (Details) Its competitor Tokensoft teams with Signature Bank to launch real estate security-token platform (Details), and partners with Hashport to provide security-token solutions in Japan. (Details) Securitize, the securitize-token platform backed by SBI, Nomura, Santrader, MUFG, Coinbase, Global Brain, etc, helps Japanese real estate developer Lead Real Estate to issue multi-million dollar of digital securities. (Details) As a latecomer, Watchdog Capital, a broker-dealer registered with SEC, is launching its security-token platform Gladius. (Details
  • US regulator OCC announced in a public letter that all nationally chartered banks in US can provide custody services for cryptocurrencies. (Details) This brings US’s regulation closer to Germany, which has passed a new legislation earlier this year to encourage both local and foreign banks to offer cryoto custody solutions. (Details) Yet, the digital asset brokers don’t expect banks to jump on this news as they will move slowly as usual. (Details)
  • Soaring DeFi usage drives Ethereum contract calls and gas fee to new record high, with 3.1 million daily calls and $4 billion total value locked in DeFi. (Details) After years-long update, Ethereum 2.0 will finally be launched by end of this year. (Details) CoinDesk has published a 22-page report on everything you need to know about Ethereum 2.0. (Report)
  • SIX Swiss Exchange lists world’s first actively managed bitcoin ETP (exchange-traded product). (Details) The world’s first crypto ETP was also listed on SIX in Nov 2018, and German’s XETRA also listed a bitcoin ETP back in June 2020.
  • Japan’s major brokerage firm Tokai Tokyo is to list real estate backed security tokens on iSTOX, a digital security exchange under SGX. (Details) One of the largest banks in Japan, SMBC has announced to participate in Singapore based blockchain trade finance platform “Contour” and Switzerland based blockchain commodity-trading platform “Komgo”. (Details) The largest online broker in Japan, SBI, has announced to take 10% stake of Boostry, a security-token platform launched by Nomura, the largest broker in Japan. (Details


  • Security-token 平台 tZero 宣佈協助房地產公司 Elevated Returns 發行之代幣 ASPEN 在其平台上交易。(Details) 其競爭對手 Tokenoft 與 Signature Bank 合作推出房地產 security-token 平台 (Details)並與 Hashport 合作,在日本提供證券型代幣相關服務。 (Details) 由 SBI、野村、Santrader、MUFG、Coinbase、Global Brain 等出資的 security-token 平台 Securitize 幫助日本房地產開發商 Lead Real Estate 發行數百萬美元的數位證券。(Details) 作為後起之秀,在 SEC 註冊為券商的 Watchdog Capital 推出security-token 平台 Gladius(Details)  
  • 美國監管機構 OCC 在一封公開信中宣佈,美國所有國家持牌照銀行都可以提供加密貨幣的託管服務。(Details) 這使得美國的監管更接近德國。德國今年早些時候通過了一項新的立法,鼓勵本地和外國銀行提供加密貨幣託管解決方案。  (Details) 然而,加密貨幣經紀商並不認為銀行會對這一消息躍躍欲試,因為他們會像往常一樣行動緩慢。 (Details)
  • DeFi 使用量飆升帶動 Ethereum 合約量和 “油費” 再創新高。每日合約用量 310 萬,DeFi 總價值 40 億美元。(Details) 經過長達數年的更新,Ethereum 2.0 終於將在今年年底推出。(Details) CoinDesk 發佈了一份長達 22頁 的報告,介紹了關於 Ethereum 2.0 你需要知道的一切。(Report)
  • SIX 瑞士交易所上市全球首個積極管理的比特幣 ETP  (exchange-traded product). (Details) 全球首個加密 ETP 也是在SIX 於 2018 年 11 月上市。德國的 XETRA 也在 2020 年 6 月上市了比特幣 ETP。
  • 日本大型券商東海東京將在 SGX 旗下的數為證券交易所 iSTOX 上市其房地產證券型加密貨幣。(Details) 日本最大的銀行之一 SMBC 宣佈參與新加坡區塊鏈貿易融資平台 “Contour” 和瑞士區塊鏈商品期貨交易平台 “Komgo“。(Details)  日本最大的網上券商 SBI 宣佈入股日本最大券商野村推出的證券代幣平台 Boostry 並取得 10% 的股份。(Details

The Future Is Unwritten.
