EN_Catherine Tai 戴瑀萱

After graduating from National Taiwan University with a major in International Business, I joined a startup and worked as a product manager, building products from zero to one. I look forward to incorporating my startup & VC experiences to help startups grow, iterate and bring values to the world.


Iterative self-development

A quote that really inspires me is “Develop yourself as you would a product.” I believe true growth is only possible through continuous iterations of objective evaluation, feedback, experiments, and improvement, and that’s the attitude I’ve always had with developing myself.

“There’s no failed experiment. The biggest failure is not to do experiments at all.”


Do what you can

“You are the only person who can define what you’re capable of.” When facing predicaments, you make plans and find every resource and way to make a breakthrough. Then you will realize: with 50% of strength, you can already push the door open. However, if you try harder with 80% or 100% of your strength, you’ll gain more in the end.


Stay open-minded

We have limited knowledge and experience. Hence, we stay humble and learn broadly and insatiably.