Weekly News ( ~ 2020.11.11)

7 min read

我是 Jonathan,在美國 University of Rochester 取得光學工程與金融經濟雙學位後,就職於日本三大投資銀行之一的 SMBC Nikko。之後在創投 SBI 負責海外投資,主要專注於區塊鏈,金融科技,人工智能等領域的成長期新創。2020 年加入基石創投。


    • Ledger, the cold wallet with largest market share, is facing phishing scam. The hackers disguised as the official Ripple account and created fake Ledger website to obtain more than 1.15M XRP, about $300k USD.  (Details

    • The biggest credit card company in the world, UnionPay, has partnered with Korean payment firm , Danal, to offer prepaid virtual card which can be used in 30 million merchants at  179 countries. (Details)
    • A group of Spanish banks and energy company including the largest bank in Spain Banco Santander, has formed the group, Dalion. The group is developing a blockchain-based digital identity system to make user registration more efficient. (Details)
    • Taiwanese crypto quant trading firm, Bincentive collaborated with Regtech startup CoolBitX to launch financial product, X-Saving. The USDT investment product would be available in CoolBitX’s hardware wallet, CoolWallet S. (Details)

    • Hong Kong is amending law to regulate crypto trading. Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) is to propose a new licensing framework to regulate all virtual asset exchange. (Details)
    • The US Department of Justice announced the $1B Bitcoin forfeiture, which is the largest seizing in crypto ever in US. The bitcoins are seized from hacker in trading through the dark net Silk Road  (Details)
    • South Korea’s Financial Services Commission (FSC) is proposing to impose AML to virtual asset service providers (VASP). The legal amendments required VASP to disclose their customers information to counter money laundering. (Details)
    • Figure, the fintech company founded by ex-executive of SoFi, is applying for US National Bank Charter. Following the founder’s previous employer, Figure aims to be the second fintech digital bank in US. (Details)

    • Biden won! But  Joe Biden’s stance and impact on crypto is unclear at this point.  (Details



    • 市佔率第一的冷錢包 Ledger 面臨駭客釣魚詐騙。駭客通過偽裝成 Ripple 官方帳號以及假造 Ledger 官網從用戶竊取超過 115 萬顆 XRP,約為 $300k 美金(Details

  • 區塊鏈與虛擬貨幣的商業應用
    • 全球最大的信用卡公司銀聯宣布與韓國數位支付公司 Danal 合作支援虛擬貨幣支付,將提供可以用虛擬貨幣進行支付的預付式虛擬卡,可以適用於包括中國的 179 個國家、3 千萬個店家。 (Details)
    • 包括西班牙最大的銀行 Banco Santander 在內的一群西班牙銀行和能源公司組成了集團 Dalion 以開發一個基於區塊鏈的數位身份認證系統,以提高用戶註冊效率 (Details)
    • 台灣虛擬貨幣量化交易公司 Bincentive 與新創 CoolBitX 合作推出金融產品 X-Saving。 該基於 USDT 的投資產品將上架於 CoolBitX 的冷錢包 CoolWallet S (Details)

  • 政府 & 監管 & CBDC
    • 香港政府正在修改法律以監管虛擬貨幣交易。香港證券及期貨事務監察委員會 (SFC) 宣稱將提出新的監管牌照框架,以監管所有虛擬資產交易所 (Details)
    • 美國司法部公佈其沒收一筆價值 10 億美元之比特幣,為美國有史以來虛擬貨幣領域最大的一次扣押。這批比特幣是由駭客在通過暗網 Silk Road 之交易查獲  (Details)
    • 韓國金融服務委員會 (FSC) 正提議修法以對虛擬資產服務提供商(VASP)實施反洗錢措施。其法律修正案要求 VASP 披露其客戶信息以打擊洗錢 (Details)
    • SoFi 前高管兼創辦人創立的金融科技公司 Figure 正在申請美國國家銀行章程。繼其創始人的前東家SoFi 取得銀行牌照後,Figure 的目標是成為美國第二家金融科技數字銀行(Details)
  • 美國選舉
    • Biden 贏了!但 Joe Biden 對虛擬貨幣的看法立場以及影響仍不明朗。(Details)

The Future Is Unwritten.
