Weekly News (2020.8.26 ~ 2020.9.2)

7 min read

我是 Jonathan,在美國 University of Rochester 取得光學工程與金融經濟雙學位後,就職於日本三大投資銀行之一的 SMBC Nikko。之後在創投 SBI 負責海外投資,主要專注於區塊鏈,金融科技,人工智能等領域的成長期新創。2020 年加入基石創投。

English version (下方有中文版):

  • 【TOP NEWS】

Ethereum/Hyperledger Besu  based Consensys is to acquire JPMorgan’s Quorum, competing with R3′s Corda and IBM’s Hyperledger Fabric.  (Details)

  • 【Funding / M&A / IPO】

NYSE allows firms to raise funding through direct listings. (Details)
Prestigious Fintech-focused venture capital
Ribbit Capital files $350M IPO for its SPAC. (Details)
LinkedIn’s founder and Zynga’s founder aim to raise $600M for their tech-focused SPAC. (Details)
Digital Currency Group invests $100M in bitcoin mining subsidiary Foundry. (Details)
NASA invests $125k in Orbit Logic and Fraunhofer USA Center to build blockchain for quadcopter communications. (Details)
Chainlink acquires Cornell University’s privacy oracle solution DECO. (Details)

  • 【Adoption of Crypto/CBDC】

Major Swiss health insurance Atupri Health now accepts crypto payments. (Details)
Federal Reserve Board partners with MIT to test 40+ types of blockchain for CBDC. (Details)
South Korea’s central bank starts technical phase for CBDC ahead of 2021 pilot. (Details)
China’s 4 major banks disables CBDC Yuan wallet app, shortly after soft launch draws wide attention. (Details)
Chainalysis reports health crypto usage in Venezeula, whose government pushes a crypto-centric economy. (Details)

  • 【Crypto Derivatives】

Report shows more than 95% of crypto futures volume is in Asia. (Details)
Huobi launches crypto options trading, competing with CME, LedgerX, Bakkt, and OKEx. (Details)
Huobi and OKEx battle for business of trading crypto futures and other derivatives in China. (Details)
SBI is to launch a crypto CFD, a derivative that can pair crypto with both USD and JPY. (Details)

  • 【Other Fintech】

Paypal launches buy-now-pay-later installment with zero fee or interest, competing with Klarna, AfterPay, Affirm. (Details)
Indonesia’s largest EC
Tokopedia rolls out regulated P2P lending, Dhanapala. (Details)
Bitcoin and Gold recover after
Fed Chairman Jerome Powell’s speech. (Details)

  • 【Blockchain Application】

Finally, a public blockchain for enterprises. Concordiuim launches its testnet with Volvo, IKEA, Saxo Bank, and Nasdaq. (Details)
LINE launches digital asset wallet for users and blockchain development platform for enterprises. (Details)



  • 【TOP NEWS】

基於 Ethereum 以及 Hyperledger Besu  Consensys 將收購 JPMorgan Quorum,繼續與 R3Corda IBM Hyperledger Fabric 競爭。  (Details)

  • 【募資/ M&A / IPO】

NYSE 允許企業通過 Direct Listing 募資。(Details)
專注於金融科技的著名創投 Ribbit Capital 為其 SPAC 申請3.5 億美元的 IPO。 (Details)
LinkedIn 創始人和 Zynga 創始人共同為他們的科技型 SPAC 融資 6 億美元。(Details)
Digital Currency Group 向比特幣挖礦子公司 Foundry 投資 1 億美元。 (Details)
NASA Orbit Logic Fraunhofer USA Center 投資 12.5 萬美元,用於打造四軸飛行器通信區塊鏈。(Details)
Chainlink 收購康奈爾大學的 privacy oracle 解決方案, DECO(Details)

  • 【虛擬貨幣與 CBDC 的推廣】

瑞士大型醫療保險 Atupri Health 現在接受虛擬貨幣作為支付。 (Details)
美國聯邦儲備委員會麻省理工學院合作,為 CBDC 測試 40 多種區塊鏈。(Details)
韓國央行為了在 2021年試點 CBDC,現在正式進入 CBDC 的技術研發階段。(Details)
中國四大銀行在短暫地上線了 CBDC人民幣錢包 APP 後,因引起廣泛關注而迅速將其下線。(Details)
Chainalysis 報告了委內瑞拉健康的虛擬貨幣使用情況。其政府推動以虛擬貨幣為中心的經濟。(Details)

  • 【虛擬貨幣金融衍生品】

報告顯示 95% 以上的虛擬貨幣期貨交易量都在亞洲。(Details)
 Huobi 推出虛擬貨幣期權交易,與 CMELedgerXBakkt OKEx 競爭。(Details)
Huobi OKEx 在中國爭奪虛擬貨幣期貨和其他衍生品的交易業務。(Details)
SBI 將推出虛擬貨幣 CFD,一種可以將虛擬貨幣與美元和日元配對的衍生品。(Details)

  • 【其他金融科技】

Paypal 推出零手續費零利息的 “先買後付 ” Installment,與 KlarnaAfterPayAffirm 競爭。(Details)
印尼最大電商 Tokopedia 推出由監管單位牌照的 P2P 借貸平台, Dhanapala(Details)

  • 【區塊鏈的應用】

終於,一個面向企業的 public blockchain:Concordiuim 推出與 Volvo, IKEA, Saxo Bank, 和 Nasdaq 合作的試驗 testnet。(Details)  
LINE 推出面向用戶的數字資產錢包和面向企業的區塊鏈開发平台。(Details)

The Future Is Unwritten.
