Weekly News (2020.8.19 ~ 2020.8.26)

7 min read

我是 Jonathan,在美國 University of Rochester 取得光學工程與金融經濟雙學位後,就職於日本三大投資銀行之一的 SMBC Nikko。之後在創投 SBI 負責海外投資,主要專注於區塊鏈,金融科技,人工智能等領域的成長期新創。2020 年加入基石創投。

English version (下方有中文版):

  • 【Fraud】

US Bitcoin mining startup Layer1, backed by famous investors Peter Thiel and Digital Currency Group, lied about its CTO and Head of Supply chain in its $50M Series A pitch. (Details) Hacker stole 1,000 US crypto traders’ personal data from CryptoTrade.Tax. (Details) An AWS virtual machine is infected with mining malware to mine Monero. (Details)

  • 【Regulation / Government/ Central Bank】

Boom of DeFi is just like the boom of ICO, as regulators will eventually regulate it. (Details) Brazil’s central bank established study group to discuss issuance of CBDC. (Details) China’s central bank denied a rumor that its CBDC was used in a property transaction, stating it is only testing CBDC with small retail transactions. (DetailsOSL, a subsidiary of Fidelity backed BC Group, is to become the first fully license crypto exchange in Hong Kong. (Details) Swiss crypto firms Crypto Finance AG and 21 Analytics had sent $23 worth of Bitcoin, which is the world’s first crypto transfer that automatically complied with FATF and Swiss regulator’s AML requirement. (Details) Hawaii selects 12 crypto firms, including BlockFi, Robinhood, and Bitflyer, to pilot digital currency regulatory sandbox. (Details) UK regulator FCA grants broker/custodian/exchange license to digital asset exchange Archax. (Details

  • 【Blockchain Application】

Huawei builds blockchain platform to help Beijing government manage citizens’ data, from medical records to property registration and real-time vehicle parking status. (Details) Thailand is to move judicial system records to blockchain. (Details) Russia’s blockchain elections, run by Rostelecom, remain practically centralized. (Details) Expobank, the former Russian subsidiary of Barclays, has followed Silvergate Bank to issue loans that use crypto as collateral. (Details) Japan’s real estate listing site LIFULL partners with STO platform Securitize to help real estate companies tokenize property. (Details) South Korea’s blockchain based digital driver license, launched in 2 months ago, has reached 3% of its population. (Details)

  • 【Fundraising / ICO / IEO】

DeFi data aggregator DIA has raised $15M with token sale. (Details) MONEX backed crypto exchange Coincheck is to help startup Link-U launch the first IEO in Japan. (Details) Crypto lender BlockFi, which competes with Celsius and Genesis, raised $50M Series C. (Details) TRON’s founder Justin Sun published a public letter on its troublesome launch of DeFi project JustSwap in last week. (Details) Taiwan’s DeFi project Hakka Finance saw its token up 200 times within 30 minutes after launch, and down 90% in one hour after that. (Details)

  • 【Other】

Following MicroStrategy, Canadian software company Snappa is to put 40% of its cash in Bitcoin. (Details) Hong Kong newspaper Apple Daily published mass advertisement on Bitcoin. (Details) Paris Hilton drew a cat and sold it for $17,000 in Ethereum on auction platform Cyrptograph. (Details) Stablecoin issuer Tether shifted $1B in USDT from Tron blockchain to Ethereum, as DeFi booms. (Details)


  • 【詐騙】

由著名投資人 Peter ThielDigital Currency Group 出資的美國比特幣挖礦新創 Layer1 在其 5000 萬美元的 A 輪募資中,關於其 CTO 和 Head of Supply Chain 的人選撒了謊。(Details) 黑客從 CryptoTrade.Tax 上竊取了 1000 名美國虛擬貨幣投資人的個人資料。(Details) 一台 AWS 的虛擬伺服器被安裝挖礦惡意挖礦軟件挖 Monero(Details)

  • 【監管/政府/中央銀行】

DeFi 的繁榮就像 ICO 的繁榮一樣,監管機構最終都會對其進行監管。(Details) 巴西央行成立研究小組討論發行 CBDC(Details) 中國央行否認了其 CBDC 被用於房產交易的傳聞,稱其只在小額零售交易中測試 CBDC。(Details) Fidelity 出資的 BC 集團旗下的 OSL 將成為香港首家全牌照虛擬貨幣交易所。 (Details) 瑞士虛擬貨幣公司 Crypto Finance AG21 Analytics 發送出價值 23 美元的 Bitcoin,這是世界上第一筆自動符合 FATF瑞士監管機構 AML (反洗錢) 要求的虛擬貨幣轉賬。(Details) 夏威夷選擇 12 家虛擬貨幣公司,包括 BlockFiRobinhoodBitflyer,來試點虛擬貨幣監管沙盒。(Details) 英國監管機構 FCA 向虛擬資產交易所 Archax 頒發經紀/託管/交易所牌照。(Details)

  • 【區塊鏈的應用】

華為打造區塊鏈平臺,幫助北京政府管理從醫療記錄到房產登記和實時車輛停放狀態的市民數據。(Details) 泰國將把司法系統的記錄搬到區塊鏈上。(Details) 俄羅斯運用區塊鏈記錄的選舉,由 Rostelecom 運營,但實際上仍然是中心化的系統。(Details) Barclays 的前俄羅斯子公司 Expobank,跟隨 Silvergate Bank 的做法,發放使用虛擬貨幣作為抵押品的貸款。(Details) 日本房地產資訊網站 LIFULL 與 STO 平臺 Securitize 合作,幫助房地產企業將房產代幣化。(Details) 韓國基於區塊鏈的數字化駕照在2 個月前推出,現已覆蓋 3% 的人口。 (Details)

  • 【募資 / ICO / IEO】

DeFi 數據聚合公司 DIA 通過代幣銷售籌集了 1500 萬美元。(Details) MONEX 旗下的虛擬貨幣交易所 Coincheck 將幫助初創公司 Link-U 推出日本第一個 IEO(Details) Celsius Genesis 競爭的虛擬貨幣貸款新創 BlockFi 籌集了 5000 萬美元的 C 輪融資。 (Details) TRON創辦人Justin Sun (孫宇晨) 發表了公開信,解釋了其上週推出的 DeFi 項目 JustSwap 面臨的一連串動蕩。 (Details) 臺灣的 DeFi 項目 Hakka Finance 在推出後 30分鐘內其代幣漲了 200 倍,而之後 1 小時內跌了 90%。 (Details)

  • 【其他】

MicroStrategy 之後,加拿大軟體公司 Snappa 將其 40% 的現金投入 Bitcoin。(Details) 香港《蘋果日報》大規模刊登比特幣廣告。(Details) Paris Hilton 畫了一只貓,並在拍賣平臺 Cyrptograph 上以 1.7 萬美元的Ethereum 出售。(Details) 隨著 Ethereum 上的 DeFi 蓬勃發展,穩定幣發行商 Tether 將 10 億美元 USDTTron 區塊鏈轉移到 Ethereum(Details)

The Future Is Unwritten.
