Weekly News (2020.8.5 ~ 2020.8.12)

7 min read

我是 Jonathan,在美國 University of Rochester 取得光學工程與金融經濟雙學位後,就職於日本三大投資銀行之一的 SMBC Nikko。之後在創投 SBI 負責海外投資,主要專注於區塊鏈,金融科技,人工智能等領域的成長期新創。2020 年加入基石創投。

English version (下方有中文版):

  • Japan’s new FSA chief Himino said he is to push CBDC (central bank digital currency). (Details) Four major banks in China are privately testing a mobile app of CBDC with payment and money transfer. (Details) Financial service group BCB partners with crypto company Circle to offer stable coin USDC as settlement tool to EU institutional investors. (Details
  • New York financial regulators greenlights 8 cryptocoins for listing and trading, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance USD, Pax Gold; it also approve 10 cryptocoins, adding Ripple’s XRP and Ethereum Classic, for custody. (Details) EU is tightening regulation on crypto, as Germany’s Bafin seized a crypto ATM operator Shitcoins Club (Details), and Ireland is to pass more stringent laws to tackle money laundry and crypto. (Details)
  • Disappointed by Russia’s central bank blockchain Masterchain, Russia’s biggest consumer bank Sberbank is launching a blockchain built on Hyperledger Fabric and will issue its own stable coin. (DetailsRussia’s rail network is considering to adopt blockchain for managing container trains and cargo spaces. (Details) Coca-cola is to bring Ethereum blockchain technology to its supply chain IT system. (Details)
  • CoinDCX becomes the first India Exchange to offer passive income by holding cryptocurrency. (Details) The world’s largest digital currency asset manager Grayscale debuts a nationwide TV commercial on its crypto trust products in US. (Details) South Korea’s largest commercial bank KB Kookmin Bank announced to partner with crypto-focused venture capital Hashed and crypto exchange Cumberland Korea to offer bitcoin custody services. (Details) Facebook formed a new payment group called Facebook Financial, put co-creator of Libra David Marcus as the head of it, and put former Upwork CEO under him as vice president. (Details) Goldman Sachs is seriously considering issuing its own cryptocurrency. (Details)
  • Ethereum Classic suffers two 51% attacks in one week losing $6M+ in value, and seems to have no ability to protect itself from exploits. (Details) Chainlink, a decentralized oracle network that provides real-world off-chain data to smart contracts on blockchain, sees its price double in the last 2 weeks and its trading volume surpassing Bitcoin, mostly driven by the booming DeFi. (Details)


  • 日本新任 FSA 局長 Himino 表示要大力推行 CBDC (central bank digital currency).。(Details) 中國的四大銀行正私測 CBDC 的手機 APP,具有支付和轉賬功能。(Details) 金融服務集團 BCB 與虛擬貨幣公司 Circle 合作,向歐盟機構投資者提供穩定幣 USDC 作為結算工具。(Details)
  • 紐約金融監管機構批準 8 種虛擬貨幣上市交易,包括 Bitcoin、Ethereum、Binance USD、Pax Gold 等;同時批準 10 種虛擬貨幣 (以上 8 種加上 Ripple XRP Ethereum Classic) 進行資產託管。(Details) 歐盟正在加強對虛擬貨幣的監管。德國監管機構 Bafin 查封了一家 cyrpto ATM 運營商 Shitcoins Club (Details),而愛爾蘭將通過更嚴格的法律來監管洗黑錢和虛擬貨幣。(Details)
  • 俄羅斯最大的商業銀行 Sberbank 對俄羅斯央行主導的區塊鏈 Masterchain 感到失望。該銀行正轉為自己推出基於 Hyperledger Fabric 構建的區塊鏈,並將發行自己的穩定幣。(Details) 俄羅斯鐵路公司正在考慮采用區塊鏈來管理集裝箱列車和貨位。 (Details) 可口可樂將把 Ethereum 區塊鏈技術引入其供應鏈管理 IT 系統。 (Details)
  • CoinDCX 成為印度首家可以讓用戶通過持有虛擬貨幣而獲得被動收入的交易所。(Details) 全球最大的數字貨幣資產管理公司 Grayscale美國首次推出關於其虛擬貨幣信託產品的全國性電視廣告。(Details) 韓國最大的商業銀行 KB 國民銀行宣布與專註於虛擬貨幣的創投 Hashed 和虛擬貨幣交易所 Cumberland Korea 合作,提供比特幣託管服務。(Details) Facebook 成立了新的支付業務子公司,名為 Facebook Financial,命名 Libra 的聯合創始人 David Marcus 擔任負責人,並讓前 Upwork  CEO 擔任副總裁。(Details) Goldman Sachs 正在考慮發行自己的加密貨幣。 (Details)
  • Ethereum Classic 一周內遭遇兩次 51% Attack 損失價值 600 多萬美元,暗顯其技術上沒有能力對抗入侵。(Details) Chainlink 是一個去中心化的 oracle network,為區塊鏈上的智能合約提供真實世界的鏈外數據。在過去的兩週裡,主要是受 DeFi 的蓬勃發展推動,Chainlink 的價格翻了兩倍,交易量更超過了 Bitcoin(Details)

The Future Is Unwritten.
